Saturday, December 24

Break up season?

Hiiiiiii peeps,

Actually I have no idea what to post. K -.- Since my news feed is full of status people breaking up with their boyfriends and girlfriends. I decided to post this. Memang this season is break up season eh? Pfsh -.- I feel so lucky that I'm single. Okayokay -.- Sometimes I do feel jealous with the couples around me. Sweet and romantic. But when I think twice, being single is more fun than being in a relationship. No hurts, no zina. (Ecehh, I read budak tu punya blog :P ) Haha, kk. See, I know this girl, she broke up with her boyfriend and she put at her status 'Who wants to be my boyfriend?' Seriously, menyampah kaaaaay? You can't live without a boyfriend eh? Too desperate ke? You're only 12, dude. Too young to be in a relationship. Think first lah. Dah la suka rampas orang punya. Even mine. Pfsh. Okay, cerita lama. You're not that pretty pula tu. Kalau nak minta vote, I menang kot. K, bajet gila ohh :P In 24 hours you can get a new boyfriend. Like, asdfghjkl?! Lakunya kau. No, tak jealous langsung, k? What's the point of being jealous, anyway? I like being single. Freedoooooooom. And you know what, couple during study won't last long unless it's your 'jodoh'. People always say, "Love study before you love somebody" Okay, I'm blank. Since 2011 is ending,

And this.

Sorry to those yang terasa :)
Just saying, hekk :)

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